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Elise invited marley & zayda over for an evening. They decide to play spin the bottle and who ever it lands on has to remove an article of clothing. Marley and elise don't know it but zayda has on a diaper beneath her clothes. So when the suggestion for removing clothing comes up zayda resists, instead suggesting they kiss one another. But elise is being a real bitch and states she doesn't want to kiss either one of them. As the game progresses zayda is unfortunate enough to only be wearing socks and a dress and ends up revealing her diaper to elise & marley. Elise is disgusted by this and marley finds she is intriqued. When elise goes off to get drinks zayda talks marley into donning a diaper too. They also decide to hatch a plan to get back at elise for being such a bitch --a game of double or nothing. Turns out, elise is going to get one heck of an enema adminstered by marley and zayda. Afterward, they put her in a diaper and make her release it. Real enema / real release